Nine Steps To Fitness For The Over 60s – Joke

Nine Steps to fitness for the over 60s - Nine Steps To Fitness For The Over 60s - Joke

1 – Stand on a firm surface, where there’s plenty of room on each side of you.

2 – With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there for as long as you can.

3 – Try to hold this position for a full minute, if possible, then relax.

4 – Each day, hold your arms in position for a few seconds longer each time.

5 – When you can achieve two full minutes, change to 10-lb potato bags.

6 – Repeat the process, until you achieve two full minutes again.

7 – Then try 50-lb potato bags and repeat the process.

8 – Eventually, try to lift 100-lb potato bags and repeat the process until you can hold the position for two minutes.

9 – Once you’re confident holding 100-lb bags, try the exercise again with a potato in each bag.