26 Short Motivational Quotes by Helen Keller

26 Short Motivational Quotes by Helen Keller 1 - 26 Short Motivational Quotes by Helen Keller

 1 – We are Never really Happy until we try to Brighten the Lives of others.

 2 – One can never Consent to creep, When one feels an Impulse to soar.

 3 – Great poetry needs No interpreter other than a Responsive heart.

 4 – The most Beautiful world is always Entered through Imagination.

 5 – The most Pathetic person in the World is someone who has Sight but No vision.

 6 – We could never Learn to be Brave and Patient if there were only Joy in the world.

 7 – Life is either a Daring adventure or Nothing at all.

 8 – Alone we can do so Little, Together we can do So much.

 9 – Although the world is Full of Suffering, It is full also of the Overcoming of it.

10 – We can do Anything we want as long as we Stick to it long Enough.

11 – The Human being is born with an Incurable capacity for making the Best of things.

12 – Faith is the Strength by which a Shattered world shall Emerge into light.

13- Optimism is the Faith that leads to Achievement, Nothing can be done without Hope.

14 – Life is a Succession of Lessons which must be lived to be Understood.

15 – Happiness is the Final and perfect fruit of Obedience to the Laws of life.

16 – It all comes to this: the Simplest way to be Happy is to do Good.

17 – You cannot touch Love but you can Feel the Sweetness it pours into Everything.

18 – One Painful duty fulfilled makes the next Plainer and Easier.

19 – Your Success and Happiness lie in You.

20 – So long as you can Sweeten Another’s Pain, Life is not in Vain.

21 – No one has a Right to consume Happiness without Producing it.,

22 – Life is an Exciting business and Most exciting when it is Lived for others.

23 – The Welfare of each is Bound up in the Welfare of all.

24 – Believe, When you are most Unhappy, that there is Something for you to Do in the World.

25 – If you can Dream it, you can Do it.

26 – A Happy life consists Not in the Absence but in the Mastery of Hardships.